Thursday, November 26, 2009

different names for the same thing

they all mean the same thing to me. all three quotes scream out the same name that I've been trying to avoid, only because he's better off without me. I would love to take it to the next level, but now he's taken, and I know he's happy without me. but damn, just knowing how I feel around him, I can't let go. no matter what happens with him, I'll always have a soft spot for him. and it really does stink.

Monday, November 23, 2009


It's not that I change my mind so quickly. After years of being hurt, and crying my eyes out, I've realized it's easier to just forget about how you feel, and just go with the flow. Let your emotions hit you, raw. And just live life.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I'm waiting, because I know that our time isn't up just yet.

I honestly Do NOT think that some things aren’t meant to be. If they weren’t meant to be, then opportunity would not have given you a glimpse of what could have been. You can’t just have a sample of something, or someone, and then be completely done with them. I believe that if something is more than good with someone else, then that should be your sign to do something about it. Take a tiny leap, and show yourself that you really do want to be happy. The cards are always laid out, fate is always pushing people together, and giving little hints down the road. It’s what you make of it, what you take out of life, that reallly shows you what you’re capable of. If you ignore those signs, you could miss out on something fantastic. You could miss out on the things that could truly make you happy. Because life is not always trying to get you down, people just lose themselves in the crossfire, or don’t lift their heads to see the beautiful people smiling back at them. It’s a damn shame that more people aren’t in love. It’s not fair that there are people crying their eyes out, thinking the world is collapsing on them just because someone doesn’t want them the same way. There IS someone out there for every other soul, we’re all just waiting in the mix until we get to them.