Tuesday, November 4, 2008

fuck change

"It's a time for change". Funny considering you don't even realize what you're standing for. You care more about the bad reputation the other candidate has. You care more about the race of the presidential candidate. You care more about the superficial standings than the actual political views of either candidate. Don't sit and complain about Bush when you're just quoting what you hear from the latest Bill Mahr show. Don't give me shit about Republicans when you don't understand the difference between the parties. And don't you dare sit in front of me and try to speak your mind with false facts. I am not a person who keeps her mouth shut. I will push you back down on the ground where you belong. Just because someone has the same political views as another person, doesn't mean they're going to run the country in the same ways. Change is coming. Not just because everyone's voting for the new face in history. Change is coming because we've become the less educated, ignorant people of society. You see more people running to the polls now because "they want to support change". Where were they during the 2000 and 2004 elections? Not voting. Because they're too lazy. And then they sat and complained about a President who did a damn good job leading a country through terrorist attacks that the former president before Bush brought to us. But now? What's different now is you just want someone who's black to finally be President. You want to be a part of the "Change"? You're going to be a part of turning this country in to a shithole. THANKS.

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