Tuesday, March 3, 2009

All Mixed Up.


March 2, 2009.
C: So you're saying you've been interested in nobody else. For a year
It's good you did. I'm just curious as to where it came from after a year.
M: I've been intereted in other people, but all of those guys weren't you. I tried bringing it up, but then I just bit my tounge.
C: Why
M:Because Apparantly you were interested in different people
C: But look at the trend heather
M: What trend carson. I'm sick of wondering. Just straight up tell me.
C: Okay. The trend being date sex Leave. And I like you. You''re awesome and you're great in bed. I just don't date people really. Idfk. I meant what I said on the couch. I really did. I just got scared.
M: Carson I never date people. I have complete issues when it comes to dating, or even liking someone for that matter. But with you, it was different. I actually liked you, I did anything I could just to be near you. But I can't just deal with the faact that I wasn't the only one staying in your bed.
C: ...I don't know Heather... What do you want
M: It's you carson. I've realized that I'll always be here for you. Take advantage of me if you want, I don't care. You need to tell me carson. What do you want.
C: I don't know heather. I want you. But I don't wanna date. I don't know.
M: I don't wanna date either carson. But I don't wanna be with you if you've got other girls on the side. I can't handle that.
And I don't wanna change you.
And now you're the one not talking?
C: No its not that. I just... I don't know. I want to see you.
M: You just saw me.
C: That's not what I meant and you know it. Some nights I lie down and think about you. And I wish you were there.
Don't quit now.
M: I get that way too. But what we do, I just feel empty. Like when we watch movies, I actually wanna sit there and watch a movie with you. I don't want everything to be sexual. I've told you more about me than I've ever told my best friend. But when things get carried away I just don't wanna stop.
C: And the problem is things always get carried away?
Heather... Keep talkin to me.
M: Sorry, I just don't know what to say.. It' not like its a problem. I like getting carried away with you. I don't know.
C: I like it too :/ Please what do you want to do
M: I want to spend as much time with you as possible before you leave.
C: Then come see me any time you want. Or I'll see you. And if we hang out during the day we won't get carried away.
M: Okay. And sorry for crying in front of you. I didn't want to.
C: Don't worry about that :/ and is that really okay for you?
M: Yes it's really okay.
C: Like as in I could just show up at your window?
M: Yeah you could but I can't promise I'd get out of my house.
C: Ah with your alarm.
M: Yessir. but my dad leaves the 10th. It' easier when he's gone.
C: Ah. Well then lemme ask when and if you wanna see me or hang out sometime.
Mmmmm so.
So what'd you wanna do?
With what?
C: You and i
M: I thought we figured that out
C: I mean like when and how and whatnot
M: Oh. Idk really. Whenever?
C: Whenever?
M: Well, yeah. But probably starting after my dad leaves.
C: Ah :p I'da gotten you like asap
M: Hahah sorry kid
C: I'da grabbed you tonight
M: Ya gonna ahve to wait til after the 10th
C: lame :p

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